I read a story once about a daughter helping her mom prepare a ham for Easter dinner. The mom instructed her to slice off about two inches on each end of the ham. The daughter asked why and with a puzzled look, the mom said she didn't really know, that was just the way her mother taught her to do it. When Grandma came for Easter lunch they asked her why the ends of the ham have to be cut off...more flavor? is that part of the ham not good to eat?....Grandma, chuckling I'm sure, said...."we had to cut off the ends of the ham so it would fit in my only baking pan...." Without any thought today I prepared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It suddenly struck me as odd, because for the first time in a long time while preparing such a sandwich for Emily, I didn't say out loud to myself...."okay, put the knife in the jelly first..." I just did it...didn't think about why, I just did it. I have taught everyone else in our house to do the same. The reason