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Showing posts from 2011

On a Tuesday that feels like a Monday...

We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  It began w/a pizza and movie night on Friday.  Followed by meeting some lovely ladies for coffee and conversation early Saturday morning and we then took off for the NC Zoo Saturday and made a day of it!  I didn't take the camera, so there are no pictures of us looking at the animals.  It was a good day, even if the polar bear was sleeping and we missed the giraffe feeding...maybe next time! Nate spent most of the day asking a million questions about the A-10 Warthog, working out a plan for joining the Air Force so he can fly one...and building a Nater-ized model with duct tape and recyclables from our bin.  The topic seemed to come from out of the blue, but we finally figured out that someone in his class has a A-10 Warthog pilot for a Daddy. Sunday, we went to Lake Tillery Church .  Joe has been planning to visit for quite a while.  We had lunch with friends at The Boondocks...followed by a refreshing couple h...

This weekday...

is ending quietly... Pizza, the movie Rio...a game of chess for Dad & Em...a game of Sequence between us all...thoughts of a zoo trip for tomorrow... "Gifts" of today:  people who make messes and are able to help clean them up... Growing kids who are able to sit around the dining room table (or wiggle around the table) and play games that require some thinking... clean sheets... a student body government representative race--Lost...and the lessons learned in the losing co-workers who pitch together...and laugh deep & loud... friends who send emails that give the low down on what their week has been like even though you've barely had time to talk... One more final exam completed!

Formal Announcement?

Can I just start blogging again?  Would Miss Manners say a formal reintroduction is required after a 6 month silence with NO posts, no pictures, no documentation of life being lived... I've created at least a zillion blog posts in my mind, usually beginning in the shower...continuing while I'm blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth...pausing while I yell at the kids that we need to leave RIGHT NOW or we will be LATE...until the moment I'm in the car alone, and then the ideas and thoughts become words flowing again...prayers and thanksgivings...sweet moments of words coming together like a mosaic...reflection of smells and sounds of life with husband and children filling this house...poignant moments and observations while waiting and growing and loving...the stories of living waiting to be told, quickly forgotten as I walk through the front door of the clinic and pin the nurses' cap and smile in place.  Evening will come, and any inkling of words to t...

Pastoral Internship

We are ever so grateful to all of you for the prayers, support, love and encouragement that you have showered us with this last year and a half.  It is hard to believe Joe has been enrolled full-time in seminary for over a year! (and even harder to believe he still has two more years, but I know it will pass so quickly and I will wonder where in the world the time went)  Hebrew is on the agenda for summer...along with a few other classes, I'm hopeful that this language comes as easy as Greek seemed to. The next "official" step in the journey will occur tomorrow.  Joe will go before the regional governing body for our denomination to give a brief testimony and explanation of his sense of calling to full-time ministry.  He has already met at length with the candidates committee.  During tomorrow's meeting, he will be presented and voted on as a candidate for pastoral ministry (forgive me if that wording is not exact) and to begin his pastoral inter...


"The life of holiness is the life of faith in which the believer, with a deepening knowledge of his own sin and helplessness apart from Christ, increasingly casts himself upon the Lord, and seeks the power of the Spirit and the wisdom and comfort of the Bible to battle against the world, the flesh and the devil.  It is not a lonely or cheerless struggle for Christ gives the Spirit to the members of his body to help one another."   The Church , Edmund P. Clowney (Pg 89) Just a blurb from one of the ten books on Joe's nightstand this week...not lonely or cheerless---we have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to help each other...((sigh))... The busyness of life surrounds us...sometimes lonely...sometimes loud....but always together. Joe is well under way with his second year of seminary.  Em is back to the soccer-mill.  Practice twice a week and games on Saturdays.  She had her first game last week and did an awesome job in position of goalie. Nate had his ...


Unexpected holidays!  We have had two days in a row to just be...and it's been wonderful.  I can't believe both our works were closed Monday and Tuesday.  The ice paralyzed everything this morning.  I am very thankful that I work somewhere that can close unlike the hospital, where you have to figure out how to get there to relieve staff.  I have gone in for many shifts with a bag packed just in case I couldn't leave because of weather, we would sleep in the empty stuff! We got about 3 inches of snow Monday and then about 1/4 inch of ice last night.  It looks like an icy winter wonderland outside today.  Not a lot was accomplished these past two days, but we had fun.  I am sure the clinic will be open tomorrow, Joe is headed to work, but the kids are still out of school. Here's a few pictures to share of the fun!   Joe has his overalls on because he spent most of these two days in his shop working on a  TV stand and ...