Yesterday was our 17th wedding anniversary. I watched our wedding video and probably for the first time, shared it with our six year old daughter. She asked lots of questions about who was who and why we were doing what we were doing. She said my dress was pretty and that she liked the flowers in my hair. She wanted to know who was doing the videotaping and if it was grandma's church where we were getting married.
It was hard to remember the emotions of that moment. There was a time when I would watch the video and just cry...my momma died six months after we were married and watching that tape always gives me a very visual reminder of her. What a blessing to have a vivid picture and the sound of her voice, her mannerisms recorded. But, as usual with memories, along with the good ones comes the bad...there was a bit o f sadness associated with our wedding day. Due to a set of circumstances that seemed out of our control, we only gave some of our immediate family a chance to attend the ceremony. We essentially eloped with a ceremony at our church with our pastor and about 15 of our family and my closest friend there.
Ahh, regrets. Hum...a resolution for 2008...to let go of the remnants of guilt and regret in my heart...definable? Measurable? Think not... Worth Pursuit? Definitely!
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