- Chores (appropriate for seven year old: emptying dishwasher, picking up toys, making bed, swiping mirrors, dusting)
- Bible (using Veritas Press Bible Cards: Genesis -Joshua; memorize facts & activities & test Friday)
- History (One-year condensed World History- Sonlight Curriculum Read text book and discuss: A Child's History of the World by Hillyer, the Usborne Book of World History w/internet links)
- Geography (Sonlight- Geography Songs: Sing Around the World by Troxel for memory work, coloring/activity pages, social studies reading from Window to the World by Spraggett)
- Reading w/map work and language arts tie-ins
Sonlight Second grade intermediate readers:
Clara and the Bookwagon
The Long Way to a New Land
The Long Way Westward
Prairie School
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie
Riding the Pony Express
The Secret Valley
Third-Grade Detectives #1: The Clue of the Left-Handed Envelope (we're currently on this one)
The Chalk Box Kid
The Paint Brush Kid
The Littles
Third-Grade Detectives #2: The Puzzle of the Pretty Pink Handkerchief
Viking Adventure
The House on Walenska Street
Cora Frear
Tippy Lemmey
A Question of Yams
Third-Grade Detectives #4: The Cobweb Confession
Third-Grade Detectives #10: The Mystery of the Stolen Statue
The Last Little Cat
Jake Drake: Bully Buster
6. Math-U-See, Beta (Lesson on DVD, work with manipulatives, worksheet and weekly test)
7. Spelling and Phonics (spelling word list and phonics work from Modern Curriculum Press Plaid Phonics workbook with spelling rules and worksheets).
- Handwriting (worksheet from Classically Cursive workbook, daily practice)
- Read Alouds with Cultural Literacy & comprehension questions:
The Aesop for Children
A Child's Garden of Verses
Red Sails to Capri
Ginger Pye
Gladys Aylward (starting this week)
Little Pear
Strawberry Girl
Detectives in Togas
The Cricket in Times Square
The Door in the Wall
White Stallion of Lipizza
The Twenty-one Balloons
The Apprentice
The Little Riders
A Little Princess
And the Word Came with Power
- Fun reading-student choice for 20 min per day (Emily can choose any books she likes and so far she is devouring the Magic Treehouse series, the Boxcar Children series, the Cul-de-sac Kids series, American Girl Doll Books, Nate the Great series, The Disney Fairy series...)
- Language Arts (grammar) Monday and Tuesday
- Expressive Writing Wed, Thurs, and sometimes Friday
- Life Science with the texts:The Usborne Book of Knowledge, The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible, Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth, Science Activities, Volume 3, Living World Encyclopedia, The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System, Marie Curie & the Discovery of Radium, Science Experiement DVD; includes worksheets, keeping a journal, experiments weekly)
- Art (treat as a "special"; read from our text/do activity once a week) using texts as a guide: How Artists See Feelings, How Artists See the Elements.
- Music (in the car, CD series with bio story and music of famous composers...may restart handbell choir after January)
- PE (not structured other than sports: cheerleading, gymnastics, and soccer)
- Latin: Sing School Latin Curriculum with audio CD, worksheets/activity (also treat this as a special...once a week)
- Vocabulary Building Activity (Wordly Wise Workbook- once a week)
- Field trips, bi-weekly trip to Library, Fun gym for PE occasionally on Fridays, Girl scouts every other Wednesday and Cheer leading twice weekly
So, beginning this week with a new scaled down focus...
Creative writing, language arts, and math to be my primary focus...oh, and well history and geography are important too...and well, we have this neat Latin curriculum, it really doesn't take that long...and she loves doing the science experiments...and well, she has to be active, so we've GOT to do some sort of PE...maybe we can throw in some art and music enrichment once a week...and she has to read, read, read...and well, she has to learn about God and do daily devotions anyway, might as well make them productive, and we have to develop her vocabulary...she'll take those darn achievement tests and I'll , er...I mean she'll fail if we haven't developed her vocabulary...and where was I, oh yeah, scaling back to just the basics! ((sigh))...
You sound so much like me that I was not sure if you wrote that or me! :-))