You really can't make some of this childhood stuff up. Nate wants to be the "cuba-diver like on Memo" when he grows up, he wants a new snorkeler and a breathing tank for his back. In the meantime, he's making due with the equipment he has on hand. Today he put scotch tape on the eyes so they look dark like the guy on Memo.
Well, yesterday was an interesting day. It came on the heels of a weekend of sickness, both Nate and Joe. Nate was officially diagnosed with croup and exacerbation of asthma and is still taking steroids and sounds worse, but the light at the end of the tunnel is on! Joe stayed in all weekend and sounded almost as bad as Nate minus the wheezing. We kept our family home (even from church, small group, etc) feeling like hermits. And, even though the boys were both sick, I picked up sweet Bella the dog on Saturday from a friend who works with the NC Lab rescue group. We know we eventually want another dog, but not until Nate is old enough to handle it. Bella, a one year old yellow lab- sheltie mix, house-broken, crate-trained 28 pound sweet girl, is going to spend a little time at our house and see how it goes. The kids think we're pet-sitting to help out Mrs. D, which is true, sort-of. The sweetest moment came yesterday when Nate gave a bedtime blessing to Bella the Dog. &qu
Thanks for the warm welcome back to blog land.
Hope your job is going well!