I'm fourty...what a busy countdown week. Wednesday was about all I thought I could handle...but then we ended up in the emergency department of our local hospital for a few hours getting these in Nate:
After getting this done for the girl on Wednesday:

Friday really was an uneventful follow up to all those activities. Friday night was small group at church. We had a great discussion and I think everyone seemed to be in a great mood. We're wrapping up our current study and will be starting The Prodigal God, by Tim Keller which I'm very excited about reading and discussing.
A baby shower followed on Saturday for a little sweet miss...lots of pink, lots of fun, lots of laughter...and pink punch. I love it when the ladies get together...and it's so much sweeter now.
Our pastor's wife did a devotion about mothering daughters that I'm still pondering...and want to read the book some of the ideas came from. A thought I keep turning around is that it's as important to teach our daughter's not to take offense as it is to teach them not to give offense, with the idea that we women get offended quickly. I think I'll add a "books to be read" list to my blog so I can keep up with all these wonderful books I keep forgetting I want to read.
Sunday was busy...but worshipful. A great sermon that you can listen to. We regret that we have committed to extra activities with the worship service on Sunday night, children's choir will only last a couple more months until it breaks for the summer, but the girl had a talk with the daddy about it feeling like "work" and not feeling like we're having time to "rest" on Sunday. We'll reevaluate when the time comes.
until more pondering...
After getting this done for the girl on Wednesday:
Friday really was an uneventful follow up to all those activities. Friday night was small group at church. We had a great discussion and I think everyone seemed to be in a great mood. We're wrapping up our current study and will be starting The Prodigal God, by Tim Keller which I'm very excited about reading and discussing.
A baby shower followed on Saturday for a little sweet miss...lots of pink, lots of fun, lots of laughter...and pink punch. I love it when the ladies get together...and it's so much sweeter now.
Our pastor's wife did a devotion about mothering daughters that I'm still pondering...and want to read the book some of the ideas came from. A thought I keep turning around is that it's as important to teach our daughter's not to take offense as it is to teach them not to give offense, with the idea that we women get offended quickly. I think I'll add a "books to be read" list to my blog so I can keep up with all these wonderful books I keep forgetting I want to read.
Sunday was busy...but worshipful. A great sermon that you can listen to. We regret that we have committed to extra activities with the worship service on Sunday night, children's choir will only last a couple more months until it breaks for the summer, but the girl had a talk with the daddy about it feeling like "work" and not feeling like we're having time to "rest" on Sunday. We'll reevaluate when the time comes.
until more pondering...